I export my creations to my
Download then install the software. You can adapt your images and animations to the size of the jewel and perform your graphic retouching.

I choose images or animations and adjust the brightness
I choose the image or animation to display among those in memory of my jewel. I adjust the brightness for a natural or shiny rendering

The brightness of my NUBI adapts to the ambient light
The brightness level chosen is maintained regardless of the levels of the brightness in the places where I wear the jewellry.

The autonomy of a jewel
Autonomy is between 7 and 20 hours. It will depend on the brightness that I apply to my jewel as well as light or dark colors present on my visuals.
I charge my jewelry like a cell phone.

Natural looking display
The OLED display allows a natural rendering thanks to an undistorted 180 ° vision and true blacks without light emission.

Brightness control
The chosen brightness is retained
So, by displaying an image with natural brightness, the digital dimension of the jewel disappears: the jewel then appears to be glass.
Lack of inspiration
Discover and download the works produced by young artists